Hybrid products are increasingly popular with alt-meat makers. They could catch on with consumers — or they could merely add to the already-heightened sense of new product fatigue around alt-meat.

SCiFi Foods co-founders Joshua March and Kasia Gora at their pilot plant in San Leandro, Calif. The company combines cultivated and conventional meat that can be formed into patties.
The purists have had their shot. Now it’s the pragmatists’ turn.
For all the virtues of plant-only diets, Americans — the largest prospective market for alternative proteins — aren’t convinced. Gallup reports that only 1% of Americans claim to be vegan. Another 4% label themselves vegetarian, down from 6% in 2001. There simply aren’t enough self-professed plant eaters to achieve the lofty climate, animal welfare and nutritional goals that activists envision.
But there certainly are enough…